Well, I am officially done with the guidelines, although I will need to complete what concerns the Ghortahnti frescoes and add actual dates for the timeline. That I intend to do with Izza’s help, once the whole group meets again on Chatzy.

In the meantime, I have started a prompt on our DeviantArt group to try and get people to write something for the Ghortahnti books that are to be inserted in the game. I intend to write a short song as well as little prayer-book- all translated straight away, of course. I might post its translated version on DeviantArt so as to share it with the others, as I hope they will do the same…

Other than that, I have also began to look for decent, copyright-free songs which lyrics I would change for the game. I think I will ask my friends Shahzi and Ruxanna for traditional Sufi and/or  Pahrsi hymns for the Ghortahnti. I might find something decent for Kutchedra’s theme and will tweak a Celtic and/or Armenian song or two for the D’ni. However, Peshinooti  music will be hard to come up with…
I just wish we had an actual composer and musician to work with us. That would be perfect. In the meantime, here are a few songs that may be used in the future. Please do not mind the instruments (and even less the lyrics and language), for we will completely change them along with the speed and rhythm. Please try to imagine this was all oriental 😛


Sorry for the lame sound- imagine it was really slow, calm, with Kabyle instruments 😛

There is a medieval song, Sommer und Winter which I could not find anywhere on the internet but will provide soon enough…

Imagine this one much slower, without all the Indian instruments… and much airier vocals.

I will post more stuff soon, but I will have to look for more copyright-free stuff first :/ Please bear with me…